HAVE' MAGMA for the new Millennium!
If you were there you were one of the lucky ones - if
not, this is the next best thing. With a big CD catalogue
but very little video footage, this mega performance sets
the record straight.
Maestro Christian Vander leads one of his finest bands
through the entire 130 minutes of his classic magnum opus
THEUSZ HAMTAAHK. Never before available in one complete
rendition, here you have it. Moment by moment witness the
gut-wrenching power and sheer dramatic beauty of this
full-on-to-the-max performance. Feel it as the band and
audience felt it and feel it AS NEVER BEFORE. Never to be
repeated and NOT TO BE MISSED.
I know - because I was there!
website translator
Available in two versions, the DVD also includes 'The
Zeuhl Wortz K.
Hit Squad' footage. This 30 minute documentary formed the
prologue to the Trianon concerts. Twenty seven former
members of the group participate in this moving tribute
to Christian, the man and his music, and we also see
amazing young Zeuhl cadet Fabien in action on the kit.
DVD configured for all regions, with 16/9 compatible 4/3
, Dolby Digital 2.0
audio, interactive menus, full chapter location facility.
VHS cassette 132 minutes / DVD - 163 minutes